During the first week of November, Edinburgh College design tutor Helena Good and HND graphic design students Niamh Curran and Aga Pomaranska attended DC Living Lab 2017 and Creativity World Forum, in Aarhus, Denmark. The HND class had all submitted written statements about what they might achieve at DC Living Lab, and Niamh and Aga's responses gained them their places on the trip.

DC Living Lab brought together creative students from different regions, countries and disciplines to work together on a project, and the Creativity World Forum is an annual worldwide two-day conference on creativity, design thinking and ideas.
The Lab consisted of intensive work on three topics -
PEOPLE : How to cultivate and nurture your creative spirit?
ENTERPRISE: How to make room for skills and competencies?
CITY: How to transform city heritage into a city of opportunity?
Danish creative agency USE co-ordinated the workshops, and on Day 1 this featured the brief, research and ideation, with the students organised into small groups. Day 2 covered feedback, development and prototyping. The final resolved ideas were then presented on Friday.

Ideas, day 1.

Aga Pomaranska working hard.

Niamh's team brainstorming.
You can check out the full program at www.dclivinglab.com/program
Wednesday and Thursday saw a series of conference talks with high-profile speakers including Stefan Sagmeister, Steve Vranakis and Vivienne Ming. Tutor Helena Good said - "We had an amazing week. This was such an inspiring event for our students to be part of, and it was great having USE (a creative agency based in Aarhus) co-ordinating the workshops. The talks were fantastic as well, and it was brilliant to be part of such a worthwhile event that promoted design education."

Huge crowd to hear the speakers at Creativity Forum.

Steve Vranakis slide

Steve Vranakis interview

Stefan Sagmeister in full flow during his talk.

Vivienne Ming talking design education and learning.
All photos by Helena.